Valentines day was fun. Ulysses( my boyfriend) and i we went to dinner at our fav restaurant Javiere's Restaurant they had the best mexican food ever then we went to go see Valentines day the movie it was hilarious loved it.the only bad thing was that i had to go to work and leave him at the house :-(.but after that i had a super V-D, as u can see my babe knows how much i love makeup so he got me a beutifull teddy bear, a gift card from f21,the kim kardashian rollerball(i had one but he konw how much i luv her so he got me a new one)Turkish Delight lipgloss,innocent lipgloss by VS, 3 MAC lipsticks and the laguna broncer by NARS.BABE i love u with all my heart ur my best friend,BUT YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE :-)

aww, how sweet is that! an how well he knows you, bcus he knwos exactly what u like :)